Volunteer opportunities are available at Whispering Woods if you are at least 14 years old or older. As you might imagine, a lot of work goes into running a horse farm. There’s always plenty of work to be done, so we can always use extra help. It’s hard work, but it’s enjoyable.

What will you be doing?

The types of things you’ll be asked to do include: grooming the horses, tacking up, feeding and watering the horses, clearing trails, helping to maintain the pastures, oiling tack, deworming, giving baths, and cleaning up horse poop etc. If you don’t know how to do these things (and most of our new volunteers don’t), we’ll teach you!

That’s a huge benefit of being a volunteer—You’ll learn so much more by volunteering hands on than taking lessons– because in lessons, we only teach you to properly ride. As a volunteer you will learn much more around the barn and see all aspects of horse care. You’ll learn how to keep horses happy and healthy, how to deworm a horse, how to administer necessary medication, how much to feed, how to recognize any signs of discomfort, what to do in a situation where a horse may be colicing or injured, and when to call the vet. It is an all around education in horsemanship!

Benefits of Volunteering

If you work full days you’ll get to go on one of our 45 min trail rides each time you volunteer. However, if you choose to work half days, you will be allowed to ride at least one hour every other time you volunteer. You’ll get plenty of horse time and kisses each day!


We are looking for people who plan to volunteer on a regular basis. We don’t accept volunteers on a casual basis because it doesn’t allow time for you to learn our horses’ names and dispositions, which pasture each horse belongs in, our trails, how to properly groom a horse, how to ride well enough to assist our customers, and how we operate. We ask that our volunteers commit to a minimum of two full days a month.

If this sounds like a program you’d be interested in, we accept inquiries by Facebook, phone or email at [email protected]

Open Everyday March thru November (Weather permitting)

Day: 8:30am to 5pm

How do I get Started?

Message, Email or Call and let us know when you’d like to start. The first time you volunteer you’ll need to sign a Waiver of Liability so that you can work with the horses and ride. If you’d like to come out for a visit to meet us and see our stables, you’re welcome to stop by anytime during business hours!